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This program can not be loaded. See today’s FIFA 15 13 - full-service football field, and PES 2013 - a strong opponent in the period of football matches. At the time of this version there were many improvements compared to FIFA 12 (function ‘) ((‘ review-app-page-desktop ‘);}); First touch controlNew tactile control systems will greatly change the way the ball is received. The control will correspond to the question “I”, not automatically. In FIFA 13, the ball captures and controls variables, for example, the positioning, response and passing characteristics of the player. Correctcontrol the ball without changing the way your opponent can enter or enter the balloon, tactical defense can be included in FIFA 12. Although experienced FIFA players were upset at the beginning, it was like a nice mix. Probably, this will be the same as the first sensorycontrol FIFA 13, and, strictly speaking, with a little protection, you can turn off the option to use AIT on timeIf you need it. Opposition opportunities and the opposition of FIFA 12 was one of the biggest problems. AI (artificial intelligence) attackers improved in FIFA 13, and players will be smartdepending on their location. They will add a space where some attackers will better try to outplay the others, while others are smart tactical movements making holes for the wings and defenders by pressing the engine to start the blow engine to makerealistic collisionsDeveloped among players. This engine was strengthened by FIFA 13 to get rid of errors. Animations of realism also include a new set of players for the best game and even the best players who can use their shoulders and arms to protect the ball or collisionwith the enemy. The physical task also affected the speed of FIFA 13, as well as the attackers who break the ball against FIFA 13, and the ability to change the direction of the enemy in one direction disappears. movements You want to introduce new and complex touches on foot or outside. FIFA willa real treat for experienced players, and you will get more wins to win. You will play a free game of FIFA 13 for three players. New models and unpredictable images, fake pictures and drag-and-drop players can be created from a protective view, added to the participantswalls or sent to them to catch a rebound. You can also reduce it by a few centimeters. However, if the referee warns about the extent to which your career reaches you, and multiplayerFIFA 13 brings three-dimensional images through dimensional images. Similarity with computerreal characters are even more accurate. He has a very broad career at age 13, with coaches, players and the conduct of your team. In multi-player online games EA promised to do more for “Head to Head” without a significant update, FIFA commitment 13We saw one of the mostrealistic and integrated football matches.