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Sonma Typing-Expert is a program for Hindi / English, which needs to improve bilingual skills. Using different fonts, for bilingual printers it is difficult to print accurately and correctly in both languages,Although they can say well and WorksSonma Typing-Expert resolves the differences between the standard QWERTY keyboard English and many Hindi keyboard; The disproportion can slow down the use of the Internet and print, and this project is aimed at making the corridors of their skills training.The project consists of exercises to improve freedom. These exercises cause difficulties from the set of letters to the word group, and then the sentence is simple and confusing. Users can change the language and types of exercises with mouse clicks, and the system will record the accuracy and speed information so that users can evaluate their performance and efficiency and improve their prediction.This statistic can be printed with the user name above to help the application work. The program also allows program authors to set their own testing period so that they can set the target for(Page () {(‘review, app-page-computer’);}); VisnovokNeobhidno knows the difficulties faced by bilingual people who need to adapt to different keyboard types, so well that the Sonma Development Systems, specialists,Which solves this problem. Although this program is simple, it works well in improving the speed and accuracy of keyboard shortcuts in various languages.