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A small Congregation priest in the north of New York is struggling with growing despair caused by tragedy, secular care and tortured past.

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Paul Schroder Forty-six-year-old Early Ernst Toller is a pastor in the history of the First Reform of the Church in the northern part of New York. Consideredthe “tourist” church or “souvenir shop” (its historical significance is the partial stoppage of the metro before the slaves transferred to Canada) from the Common Life, which owns a church and which runs the modern self-appointed five thousand seat of the church under the supervision of Reverend Joel Jeffers.The first reformed this year celebrates its fifteenth anniversary, for which a great event is planned, modest in size only in the First Reform, although high officials will attend such a governor and mayor, and the event will be at the same time abundant Life. Most of the speeches will bedomestic industry Ed Balk, the main benefactor of Abondance Life, and which is the main donor for the necessary upgrading of the First Reforms to be able to hold the event there, and I do it myself, while Toller’s participation …